Everything You Need To Know About The Curly Cut
It’s heating up outside, and you know what that means? It’s time to ask yourself a very important question; Are your curls summer ready? Maybe you’ve been slacking on your trims lately (We’ve been there). Or maybe you’re just looking for a fresh new shape. It could be time for a cut, The Curly Cut to be specific. Here’s everything you need to know about it.
What Is A Curly Cut
A curly cut is when your stylist cuts your hair while it’s dry. Unlike standard cutting methods, this method is tailor made for afro-textured hair. It allows the stylist to cut the hair according to the way it would naturally fall when worn in it’s curly state.

This cut goes a bit further than a typical trim. While it works to get rid of your dead ends in the same way, it offers more by giving your curls a new and more flattering shape.

How To Prepare For Your Curly Cut
You first need to find a stylist who is experienced in giving curly cuts. Since the standard ways of caring for hair so often don’t cater to our natural hair textures, it’s important to do your research. While the cut seems simple, it’s actually highly technical and requires a skilled and experienced hand.
Once you’ve found your stylist, you should study the shape of your hair in its shrunken state. Take photos if you need to. After you’ve made note of your current shape, it’s time to research your desired shape. Just look up different types of curly cuts and find a reference image that you like. Make sure this is a shape you would be able to achieve given your current shape. You can work with your stylist to narrow it down.
Alright, you’ve found the stylist, you’ve found the shape, it’s the day of, what do you do now? Simple, just wash, condition, detangle, and let your hair air dry. That’s it! Since the haircut needs to be done on curly hair, there’s no need to blow your hair out or stretch it at all. That means no twists, no braids, no texture altering whatsoever.
If you’ve never gotten a curly cut before, you might be taken aback by the length change, but don’t dwell too much. Not only will your new shape look polished, as your hair grows back, it’ll grow back healthier and stronger.
However, if you wear your hair straight regularly, the curly cut may not be for you. It could look uneven. This cut is specifically for wearing your hair in it’s natural curly state.

Have you ever gotten a curly cut? What was your experience? Tell us about it in the comments.
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